Our Treatments Include:
Osteopathy (Matt)
Preteens upwards (including pregnancy). Treatments benefit sudden and/or long lasting repetitive pain, acute injury, stress, injury prevention and management. Also IBS, migraines, PMS, sinus issues.
- Western Acupuncture (Dry Needling)
- Remedial massage
- Fascial release
- Joint mobility and manipulation
- Visceral mobility release
Cranial-Sacral (Louise)
Newborns upwards (including pregnancy). Treatments benefit restlessness, sleep disturbance, stress, irritability, mood disturbance, growth and development.
- Tension release through gentle touch and movement
- Observation
- Subtle feel and connection with body to identify and treat imbalances and tension
What to Expect During Your Treatment
- A fully confidential history is taken on your first visit. If appropriate, questions on lifestyle, work or relevant medical history may be discussed.
- A standing postural assessment is carried out. It is preferable to wear light clothing to help observation and aid your clinical diagnosis.
- We assess, diagnose and treat conditions of the whole body. This may include massage to tight muscles, mobilisation to stiff or misaligned joints, cranial sacral therapy or Western Acupuncture. It may be necessary to liaise further with your GP or Consultant but we will always request your consent first.
- Treatment is then specifically tailored to improve the FUNCTION of the structures in question. Promoting your body's natural healing potential without painkillers.
Dog Osteopathy (Matt)
All dogs from pets to sports and show dogs. Treatments benefit lameness, stiffness, personality changes, acute and chronic/repetitive injury, old age, growth and development, stress.
- Observation and diagnosis
- Stretching and mobility
- Fascial and muscle tension release
- Massage
What to Expect During Your Dog's Treatment
(Please contact your vet to notify them of your visit prior to appointment)
- Assessment and treatment performed in a comfortable, low stress environment
- Movement observation and gait analysis
- A fully confidential history is taken on your dog's first visit. Relevant medical history may be discussed, as well as breeding, background, and activities
- Hands on gentle treatment